Actually, it is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses that culticly equates faith in men - faith themselves - with faith in God and Christ. They tell JWs to "trust the faithful and discreet slave completely because Christ trusts them completely", or words to that effect, which is actually a load of nonsense when you consider the fact that christ also warns of the possibility of the slave turning out to be an evil slave.
Anyone who leaves the JW organization gets accused of leaving Jehovah - even though the person remains a bible-believing christian, living a decent life. Faith in the JW organization and it's leadership is regularly and implicitly equated with worship of and faith in, God. Thus the JW religion is built on faith in men, falsely packaged and labeled as faith in God.
So I find it rather ridiculous that this OP accuses those leaving the organization of having faith in men when the fact of the matter is that the JW religion makes it a practice to indoctrinate its members to have faith in men - their clergy class which they call 'the faithful and discreet slave'.